
Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist Church

The Week of Peace

This week we celebrate the second Sunday of Advent by lighting the candle of Peace. Today Brother Danny had us look at the book of Psalms to remind us that remebering God’s Peace can help us through times of struggle.

Psalm 83:1-13     Bro. Danny Nance     December 10th, 2023

The Week of Hope

Today we celebrate the first day of advent with the lighting of the candle of Hope. In today’s sermon Bro. Danny reminded us that we live in a time that we need to see God’s hand move among us.

Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19     Bro. Danny Nance     December 3rd, 2023

The Myth of Sisyphus

In this sermon Bro. Danny covered how the prophet Habakkuk addressed God in his psalm. We must face our future stuggles knowing that God is the Almighty, and is more powerful than anything we might face.

Habkkuk 3:17-19     Bro. Danny Nance     November 26th, 2023

Thankful for His Sacrifice

Today Bro. Danny expressed the importance of a thankful heart. The writer of Hebrews tells the readers that they must meet Jesus “outside the camp” and in this sermon Bro. Danny explains what that means for us today.

Hebrews 13:10-16     Bro. Danny Nance     November 19th, 2023

Passing the Peace

In today’s sermon Bro. Danny told us how important joyful peace is in our lives. These passages show Paul’s emphasis on the impact that joyful peace can have on our lives.

Philippians 4:2-7     Bro. Danny Nance     November 12th, 2023

Song of Thanksgiving

In today’s sermon, Brother Danny preached from the book of 1 Chronicles. In this message he told us how we should be reminded who God is and what He has done for us throughout our lives.

1 Chronicles 16:7-27     Bro. Danny Nance     November 6th, 2023

God Answers Our Prayers

Today’s message was brought to us by pastor Joel Davis of New Community Baptist Church.

Jeremiah 33:1-3     Bro. Joel Davis     October 29th, 2023

Time to Depart

In today’s sermon, Bro. Danny told us of how Abraham remarried after his wife Sarah passed away. This passage is a good reminder that we need to live our lives to honor God while we are still alive.

Genesis 25:1-11     Bro. Danny Nance     October 22nd, 2023

Only the Best

In this sermon we continued our look at Abraham’s life of faith. This sermon goes to show us that we need to embrace God’s truth and lead a new way of life.

Genesis 24:1-9     Bro. Danny Nance     October 15th, 2023

A Time to Mourn

Today we continue our look at the life of Abraham. In this passage we covered how Abraham acted after his wife Sarah passed away. Bro Danny took the time to remind us all that the need to mourn is a natural necessity and we all need time to recover after losing someone close to us.

Genesis 23:1-20     Bro. Danny Nance     October 8th, 2023
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