Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchA Painful Separation
Today Bro. Danny shared with us from the book of Genesis what happened to Ishmael, Abraham’s son borne by Hagar. In this passage Abraham sends Hagar and Ismael away and God tells Hagar that He will make a great nation of Ishmael. This passage serves to remind us that, when we fail to trust God, our relationship with Him is put at risk.
A Promise Fulfilled
Today we covered God’s fulfillment of His promise to Abraham and Sarah. This passage is one of tremendous joy that we can share in knowing that, even after we make mistakes and try to take God’s plan into our hands, God will always keep His promises.
Old Habits Die Hard
In today’s sermon Bro. Danny told us how we need to trust in God regardless of our human judgement. A major point the he covered in this sermon is that self reliance should not be our only hope.
A Plea for Mercy
IN today’s sermon Bro. Danny told us about the right that we have to pray boldy. We need to go to God boldly in our prayer, not unsure of our right to talk to God our Heavenly Father.
An Amazing Encounter
Today we continued our look at the faith of Abraham. Today Bro. Danny reminded us that, even in the most mundane of circumstances, God can make Himself known to us. When God comes to us in these uneventful times, we must be careful that we do not overlook Him reaching out to us.
Do We Make Much of Jesus
Today’s sermon was brought to us today by Bro. Bill Collum. In this sermon he told us that John the Baptist moved to a town called Aenon to presumably continue baptizing people in God’s name. The reason John would have had to do this is because during the dry season the Jordan river does not flow as swiftly and Aenon had many natural springs that he could use.
The Last Piece of the Puzzle
In today’s sermon Bro. Danny spoke of how God finally affirmed Sarai as the woman of whom would bear the child of promise to Abraham. Sometimes we are foolish like Abraham and don’t believe that what God has said could possibly be true, but we need to trust in God that He will be faithful to His word.
The Sign of the Covenant
Today Bro. Danny told us about how God changed Abram’s name to Abraham. In today’s passgage we learned that God also told Abraham to be circumcised and that all in his family should be circumcised in reverance of God.
A Gracious Promise
In today’s sermon Bro. Danny reminded us of how God made a promise to Hagar even though her actions aided Moses in sinning against God.
Trying to "Help" the Lord
In today’s sermon, Bro. Danny told us how many times we try to fulfill God’s promises for Him. We need to prevent ourselves from attempting to help, because many times it ends in failure.