Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchCovenants, New and Old
In today’s sermon Bro. Danny shared with us how Abram struggled with understanding God’s promise about the land, even though he had faith God would deliver on His promise about the decendants.
A Promise Renewed
Today Bro. Danny told us how Abram was filled with fear when he believed that he would not have an heir. God then told him that he would be blessed and have as many decendants as the stars in the sky.
Whom Will We Serve
Today we continued our study of Abrams’s walk of faith in the book of Genesis. In this sermon, Bro. Danny told us how we need to focus our hearts on serving God.
To the Rescue
In today’s sermon, Bro. Danny told us of how Lot thought he was doing what was in his best interest but actually put himself in harms way. This sermon tells us of how God can protect us by sending someone to rescue us from the danger we put ourselves in.
Confirmation From God
As we continue to look at Abram’s obedience to God, Bro. Danny told us of how God spoke to Abram after Lot departed. In this sermon we are reminded that we need to listen to God and do what He tells us to.
Two Hearts Revealed
Today we continued to journey through the book of Genesis looking at Abram’s walk of faith. In this sermon Bro. Danny tells us of how Abram was a peacemaker, and how we need to stive to do the same in our lives.
A Major Misstep
Today we listened to Bro. Danny tell us of how Abram didn’t trust God to watch over him when they traveled to Egypt. As we go through our day to day lives, we need to take heed of Abrams folly and trust that God will watch over us no matter what.
On the Road Again
Today we continued looking at Abram’s road to faith. This sermon tells us of how Abram renewed his journey, that he was called upon by God, and began building altars to worship God and demonstrate his faith.
The First Part of the Journey
Today we listened to Bro. Danny tell us about how God called Abram to leave his home. This call to Abram was only half followed and yet God still kept His promise and made Abram a great nation.
Judgement on the World
Today our service was lead by Brother Bill as he told us of the judgement of the world. This sermon is very important to remind us that the natural bent of the world is evil and that judgement is the natural response to that.